Kara had a wonderful 1st birthday party at our house! We were thrilled that she seemed happy and enjoyed all that was going on, considering that she's been fighting fevers since late afternoon yesterday. Kara had a febrile seizure at Martins grocery store while Tim was picking up formula yesterday afternoon. It scared him to death, as I'm sure you can imagine! Kathy was in DC at the Women of Faith conference, and felt completely helpless for the 2 1/2 hours that it took her to get from DC to the hospital where Kara was taken by ambulance. The good news is that the blood and urine tests and x-rays came back normal, and her fever dropped from 104 to 99.5 degrees after being given Tylenol and Motrin in the ER. The fever has been up and down since we've returned home, but not as high as it was when Kara had the seizure. The ER doctor told us that Kara would be fighting the fevers for the next few days, so Tim and Kathy will both be staying home with her.
Kara's grandparents, Nana & Papa, her two Aunts and Uncles, and her three cousins came up to celebrate her 1st birthday with her. Kara also had friends, Tristan, Kyra, Chase, Alyssa, Rebecca, Megan and Kaitlyn (as well as their parents) come celebrate with her too! We had a house-full to say the least. The young kids had a great time playing in the bubblegum ball pit and on the bouncy house trampoline! Kara really seemed to like her birthday cake, especially the purple frosting--as the picture shows. :-) Everyone else chowed down on burgers and hotdogs, salads, chips and dips before eating the delicious 'fish in the aquarium' cake that Kara's babysitter, Dawn, made. It was a beautiful cake and it tasted great! Kara received many fun, cute, and age-appropriate gifts from all of her family and friends. Her baby toys just weren't stimulating enough anymore! :-) Enjoy the pictures!
We are so glad Kara enjoyed celebrating her very 1st birthday in such fine style.
Happy Birthday from the "Florida" Langs!
it looks like she really enjoyed it. I'm so glad she was feeling well enough for it not to put a kink in her celebration. She looks adorable, as always. Give her kisses from me and Codie. :)
aww i love the pcitures. her poor little arm :( but she looked like she was having a very good time!! She is so precious!
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